Friday, September 24, 2010

Has the UK Parliament become a parliament for the telling of the truth about what the people have to say about how ‘they’ are ‘ruled’, what the people want from parliamentarians, or has the Parliament reverted to the state it was in before 6 May 2010: an anti-democratic wasteful pretext for the many [of the ‘elected’] to carry on against accountability, transparency and against honesty?

0805 Hrs GMT



24 September 2010

By © Muhammad Haque

Constitutional law commentary about the UK CONDEM and the implications for a democratic constitutional UK

CONTEXTUAL flashback to our commentary of 17 October 2009 with particular focus on the UK Lib Dems Party.

We are doing so in preparation of our diagnostic review of the Lib Dems' role as a part of the CONDEM Collusion in the UK CONDaved phase [there it is! Another coinage of another CON-linked word! There is no avoiding of a double meaning even here, such is the unreliability of the CONDEMNABLE entente!!]

What we are looking at is this:
Has the Clegged Collusion produced the change from sleaze-ball careerism to transparency, democracy, accountability, honesty and universality?
Has the UK Parliament become a parliament for the telling of the truth about what the people have to say about how ‘they’ are ‘ruled’, what the people want from parliamentarians, or has the Parliament reverted to the state it was in before 6 May 2010: an anti-democratic wasteful pretext for the many [of the ‘elected’] to carry on against accountability, transparency and against honesty?

"Saturday, October 17, 2009

KHOODEELAAR! Updating evidence against CRASSrail and also against the crass ignorance of 'mainstream Political parties' about London: Vince Cable [4]

2358 Hrs GMT



17 October 2009

By © Muhammad Haque

A word of update on why Khoodeelaar! has been calling the Big Business London CrossRail scheme a CRASSrail scam.

This update is caused by the behaviour of the UK Lib Dems’ Party’s Vince Cable in Bethnal Green on Wednesday 15 October 2009.

And secondly by the behaviour of Boris Johnson who coincidentally on that day confirmed his own crass role in muttering in all directions as ‘justification’ of his announcement of the week of drastically raising bus fares and tube fares in London.

We [the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign against the “CRASSrail Big Business scam agenda….”] have been using the word “Crass” in the same sense as is still contained in all the major English language dictionaries in circulation and use in the world right now.

We have added our own evidential components to upgrade the definition of the word CRASS in context.

We have said for over five years now that Crossrail is crass because, amongst other things, it was crassly conceived, it is crassly peddled and it has been crassly promoted.

In different orders, we have used the same qualifiers.

We have done so as we have reported the various manifestations of crassness, illogicality, ignorance, stupidity and sheer callousness on the parts of those who have been doing the peddling and the promoting. These activities and exhibitions are to be found across the so-called divides between the three main Parties as recognised by the numbers of Mps they have in the UK House of Commons.

The Lib Dems’ Vince Cable first:

When someone from the Lib Dems Party ‘public’ meeting [Oxford House, 15 October 2009] included a slight reference to Crossrail in a question in the overly-bureaucratically treated [in the sense of=suppressed, stifled.. and so on] ‘Question time’ following Cable’s set-piece presentation lasting well under an hour, Cable was caught out on the facts.

He admitted to the ignorance that Khoodeelaar! Campaign noted.

Cable looked at the two persons sitting alongside him on the notional podium and facing the audience in the Oxford House in a side street off the Bethnal Green Road in Tower Hamlets and asked in their direction if Crossrail ran through Tower Hamlets.

Having seen their body language saying yes it did, Cable then hurled a most banal pack of rubbish in the even more banal and thoughtless direction of the captive audience.

That was rubbish because he contradicted his previous comment on CRASSrail as published MOST PROIMINEWNTLY on 21 September 2009 and said [on 15 October 2009] that he and his Party supported Crossrail.

And then he said that IF the costs were managed acceptably then they would still support it.

Gone were the flourish that had been attached to his REJECTION of CrossRail in the news that was carried during 21 September 2009. In that REJECTION, the headlines included the one published by the London EVENING STANBDARD. It said that to Vince Cable, CrossRail was NOT A PRIORITY!

KHOODEELAAR! Campaign had noted that at the time last month [September 2009] and we published the full EVENING STANDARD piece along with an image of Cable on that occasion. It is still accessible on this very blog site.

Had the audience at the Oxford House, Derbyshire Street off Bethnal Green Road London E2 on Wednesday 15 October 2009 been made up of people who had come there to actually hear an independent, original, political speech from a genuinely influential political personality in Britain today, that piece of ignorance as uttered by Cable there would have caused a swift and disapproving reaction. Derision even. But the audience was tame and timid. It was an in-house event. Although staged at the officially non-Party political Oxford House, the meeting was intended to be and went down as a ‘reassurance exercise’ for the small number of listed members of the Party in Tower Hamlets.

Most of those present and apparently listening to him did not even notice that Vince Cable had made such a major error.

Not one member of the audience stood up or raised their hand to quiz Cable on his crass question about when CrossRail went through the borough that he was allegedly there to offer his expertise about.

Tower Hamlets, for those who are not in the UK, is also the ‘main’ area associated with the East End of London. And Bethnal Green, where Vince Cable was sitting when he exhibited his ignorance and nervousness, is in Tower Hamlets.

And Crossrail has been THE most cited word in relation to a campaign that has been going on in Tower Hamlets for the past now almost six years.

All of these are facts beyond dispute.


Some of the Lib Dems party’s undeniable ‘leaders’ in Tower Hamlets who were present in that same audience, had themselves been present and speaking at demonstrations held by Khoodeelaar! AGAIUNST the fundamental impact that Crossrail would have on TOWER HAMNLETS.

More than one of those sat at the very back in the audience.

One was Janet Ludlow.

Sitting next to her was Stephanie Eaton.

Janet Ludlow actually spoke at two Khoodeelaar! Demonstrations, in February 2006 and March 2006. Both held outside the main entrance to the Mulberry Place town hall, the official address of Tower Hamlets Borough Council.

Stephanie Eaton, the 'leader' of the 4-member group of Lib Dems councillors in Tower Hamlets Council, has not spoken at a demonstration but has attended campaign events that we organised. Especially in Bethnal Green South, an area she was not familiar with until we offered her the objective and non-party-political introduction to it in the context of our campaign against the Crossrail hole agenda attacks.

And sitting somewhere in the middle of the audience at the Oxford House was Louise Alexander.

Although Ms Alexander is currently not a Lib Dems Party [or any sort of] councillor in Tower Hamlets Borough Council, she actually was the councillor who put her name to a motion tabled for debate at the Tower Hamlets Council ‘full council’ meeting held on Wednesday 1 March 2006.

That motion came closest, for a motion as put forward by any councillor in their name, to the contents of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign demands on Crossrail.

And having been a member of the so-called all-party MPs’ committee on CRASSrail dating back at least 18 months before the then UK Transport minister Alistair Darling [now in post as Gordon Brown’s successor as UK Finance minister] formally tabled the “CrossRail Bill” in the UK House of Commons [the lower camber in the two-chamber Parliament] in February 2005, Vince Cable would have been expected to know what the scam was about.

And the basic facts that he would have been reasonably expected to know about the Crossrail scam would include the one about the parts of London that the scam would affect directly and go through directly as a proposed ‘London ‘rail line’.

Yet Cable staggered non-party observers present as he paused in the middle of his ‘answer’ and asked: does Crossrail go through Tower Hamlets?

The Lib Dems’ Party’s own published records show that Cable has been involved in what the Party has advertised as the highest level ‘activities’ in the name of their Party about Crossrail.

Those activities go back to 2003 when the then MP for the same party for the Richmond area in south west London, Jenny Tonge, took part in a Lib Dems Party promotional exchange staged within the official boundaries and limits of the House of Commons.

[To be continued]

Posted by AADHIKARonline London UK at 4:58 PM

Friday, September 17, 2010

KHOODEELAAR! Putting on the record the fact that the Guardian Grin has peddled BBC's 'London Debate’, which was a farce. The Guardian Grin then failed to follow up with an examination of the empty 'Debate' that was broadcast with the VERY VAIN Jeremy Vine as the over-hyped fronter of the overly empty slot.

1100 Hrs GMT
17 September 2010

Editor © Muhammad Haque

KHOODEELAAR! Putting on the record the fact that the Guardian Grin has peddled BBC's 'London Debate’, which was a farce. The Guardian Grin then failed to follow up with an examination of the empty 'Debate' that was broadcast with the VERY VAIN Jeremy Vine as the over-hyped fronter of the overly empty slot.

Going on the actual contents of the Vine Vanity slot called a London debate, the question arises: is it EVER possible to examine and tell the truth about the evidence in a ‘debate’ conducted on the BBC?

And when was the last time that the BBC took any initiative of universally understood objective journalism to tell the people the truth about wasteful publicly funded agencies, scams, and decisions?

And why is the BBC satisfied with the collusion it gets from the likes of the Guardian Grin which has just peddled the Big Business lie retailed by the over-paid Crossrail-promoter as ‘transport commissioner' Peter Hendy?

Why didn’t the BBC ADD that the so-called private part of the Crossrail funding is the part that REMAINS undelivered? And that the TAXES that Boris Johnson has invented at the expense of ordinary London businesses [as opposed to BIG Business] will cost many times the base rate and will encumber those businesses for decades? Why hasn’t the BBC told the truth that it is a lie to cite £Billions and claim the sums as “economic benefit” when the Crossrail scam is still a fantasy and there is no factual basis for linking ANY sum as any benefit arising from it?

[To be continued]

Sunday, September 5, 2010

0835 Hrs GMT London Sunday 05 September 2010-09-05 Editor © Muhammad Haque KHOODEELAAR! Told UK CON Cameron so. Stop imitating the OTT-lying 'spin' of the G Brown - T Bliar 'years'. Start telling the truth. Face the facts and quit lying yourself. If EVERYTHING must be cut, how is it that you are in effect ring-fencing Crossrail? What is the evidence that Crossrail is so sacrosanct? What [if any at all] is the evidence that Crossrail can be correlated to the actual daily experience of economic beings? What is the justification for your CONDEM following the lies for Crossrail? Why carry on with the mess caused by successive decision-makers on London transport? Scrap Crossrail. Start afresh and prioritise the Tube and also the standard of service on existing infrastructure in London. Get P Hammond to get off that fake bike that Barclays gave to Boris to flaunt as a sneaky advertisement for the banks. Give him a brief that is straight and not faked. [To be continued]

0835 Hrs GMT

05 September 2010-09-05
Editor © Muhammad Haque

KHOODEELAAR! Told UK CON Cameron so. Stop imitating the OTT-lying 'spin' of the G Brown - T Bliar 'years'. Start telling the truth. Face the facts and quit lying yourself. If EVERYTHING must be cut, how is it that you are in effect ring-fencing Crossrail? What is the evidence that Crossrail is so sacrosanct? What [if any at all] is the evidence that Crossrail can be correlated to the actual daily experience of economic beings? What is the justification for your CONDEM following the lies for Crossrail? Why carry on with the mess caused by successive decision-makers on London transport?  Scrap Crossrail. Start afresh and prioritise the Tube and also the standard of service on existing infrastructure in London. Get P Hammond to get off that fake bike that Barclays gave to Boris to flaunt as a sneaky advertisement for the banks. Give him a brief that is straight and not faked. [To be continued]

IMF issues warning on Britain's debt

Britain must do more to control spiralling debts, say the IMF
Britain must do more to control spiralling debts, say the IMF

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Thursday, 02, Sep 2010 10:36
by Peter Wozniak
Britain is among those countries needing to tighten their fiscal policies in order to stem the growth of ballooning debts, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
The organisation warned that the UK's debt in relation to its GDP could rise to 90.6pc by the end of this parliament, more than doubling the levels of 2007 before the financial crisis.
"Fiscal policy will need to react more strongly to debt than past behaviour would suggest, and governments will need to engage in reforms that place debt on a sustainable footing," the IMF said.
The Fund's report would appear to support the government's aggressive stance on reducing spending.
The report continued: "In the last three and a half decades, public debt has been the shock absorber in advanced economies - going up in bad times and not coming down in good times."
Britain is in a better position than other countries in regards to debt, particularly those in Southern Europe and Japan, but remains "constrained in their degree of fiscal maneuver".
The IMF concluded: "Timely policy measures are needed to increase the probability that public debt will remain on a sustainable path and convince markets that fiscal policy is not proceeding on a 'business as usual' basis."
The report comes as the coalition spending review, to take place in October, begins to loom large on the political horizon.
David Cameron's government will likely use reports such as these as support for their arguments on spending cuts and debt reduction, in what is likely to be a politically contentious period as the full scale of George Osborne's economic plans come to light.
Labour, although in the midst of a leadership election, has regularly attacked the speed and scale of government spending cuts as unnecessary.