0155 GMT

27 December 2009

Editor © Muhammad Haque

Now even a [still] sitting Blaired Party MP confesses! UK G Brown has failed to create a legacy’!
Ken Purchase [ironic last name that] makes the confession within 24 hours of ‘news’ being run by the Murdoch-ed Times and SUN and others that the ‘British public’ have showed thumbs down to G Brown’s ‘Britishness’!

Khoodeelaar! has said for SIX YEARS that BOTH T Blair and G Brown were wrong on economics and on ‘UK domestic policy’ and that they were pandering to ignorance, prejudice and racism to an extent that had never been seen on such a sustained level in the behaviour of even their most racist predecessor in post: James Callaghan.

Another significant confession that Ken Purchase makes in describing T Blair as ‘money-obsessed’, which is a belated admission of what we have known and have said about Blair for SIX years: that he has been open to purchase [irony, again!] by money-carrying interests. Big Business.

NOT a surprise to us!

We have seen and we have demonstrated the links between Big Business and the Blair-fronted UK Govt at all relevant stages in peddling the ‘Crossrail Bill’

[To be continued]

 from the web site of the MAIL ON SUNDAY London Sunday 27 December 2009

Blair and Brown have left no legacy, says veteran Labour MP

Last updated at 11:52 PM on 26th December 2009
Ken Purchase
Damning: Ken Purchase
Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have made less impact on Britain in 12 years than even the most inconsequential of post-war Tory Prime Ministers.
That is the damning verdict of Labour MP Ken Purchase, who is stepping down at the next Election after 18 years.
Mr Purchase said that unlike most of the ten Premiers who preceded Mr Blair - seven of whom were Tories - the 'superficial, money-obsessed' former Prime Minister had failed to leave a legacy.
Even Sir Alec Douglas-Home, who served two days short of a year between 1963 and 1964, left more of a legacy, he claimed.
Mr Purchase, 69, once an aide to former Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, added: 'We [Labour] don't have a lasting legacy as such. There has been no seminal moment. It hasn't happened.
'We have done good things like the minimum wage but nothing you can hold up and say "this was Labour's big achievement".
'Tony Blair's approach was a short-term view of "what matters is what works". There was no philosophical underpinning of New Labour.'
And he claimed Mr Brown has had little chance to establish a legacy. 'It's a bit early to say, but he got the job too late,' he said.
However, he praised Winston Churchill, who he said would be venerated for defeating Hitler, and Margaret Thatcher for revolutionising commerce.

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