Friday, September 25, 2009

KHOODEELAAR! contextually republishing action archive about 'ethnic' 'TV' Channel 'Bangla TV' UK

By © Muhammad Haque
Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill
London 1055 Hrs GMT Sunday 4 June 2006
Why Khoodeelaar! has launched the legal action against the 'Bangla TV' – a small satellite TV station that is broadcast in the name of the Bangladeshi community in the UK
The reason is that Bangla TV has now joined the other 'ethnicity-linked' 'media' outlets operating in London including the area of the Khoodeelaar! campaign, the London borough of Tower Hamlets. As such, the 'broadcasts', although on satellite TV, are accessed by people in Tower Hamlets. The Khoodeelaar! decision is based on the fact and the contents of the programme as shown in the evening on Friday 2 June 2006 allegedly about Crossrail. That programme was typical of the completely ignorant, idiotic and falsifying empty banal ‘programmes’ around the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail which another satellite TV station had shown and which has been in effect repeated on Bangla TV over the past 5 months that gave a significant boost to the state of confusion that was created to help the corrupt clique on Tower Hamlets Council. _In the past five months, Khoodeelaar! has received repeated requests allegedly from these TV stations for participation in their programmes about the Crossrail hole. _Khoodeelaar! refused to take part in any of these. For a start, these stations were NOT doing anything about Crossrail until Khoodeelaar! Gave them information on 17 January 2006 and on dates after that. But the information Khoodeelaar! Gave to these corrupt TV stations were routinely abused by the stations which then abused their access to the Khoodeelaar created and Khoodeelaar! released materials make contacts with the crooks in control of Tower Hamlets council and make private deals for their own benefits. Deals that included cash or equivalent bribes from the Council in return for the stations not letting the Khoodeelaar! On 30 May 2006, we received a latest request, this time in the from of an e-mail, and from Bangla TV. That request was the first one that was responded to by Khoodeelaar! . The campaign against Crossrail hole did so by setting out a number of conditions which must be met if Khoodeelaar! would at all agree to take part in any TV programme.? On this occasion, the request from Bangla TV was for an alleged programme scheduled for Friday 2 June 2006._During 31 May 2006,a long detailed exchange of questions and answer took place at the initiative of Khoodeelaar! _WE wanted to establish what, if any, evidential knowledge about the Campaign against Crossrail the Bangla TV programme presenter had. We also wanted to establish what their actual purpose on doing the programme at this time was and who else would be taking part and on what criteria. As is standard constitutional law practice with the Khoodeelaar! Organisation, a number of clear and compelling conditions were put to the Bangla TV. One of the Khoodeelaar! conditions was that there would be no one from the corrupt Tower Hamlets Council controlling clique in the same programme
[To be continued]

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