Sunday, September 20, 2009

KHOODEELAAR! Updater commentary in the context of the real poverty created and perpetuated by the Crossrail scam-touts...

0525 Hrs GMT London Monday 21 September 2009:

Editor © Muhammad Haque.

KHOODEELAAR! the inner city, East London campaign in defence of the people and the community situated in one of ‘the most deprived’ boroughs in the country, has argued for almost six years now for the scrapping of the Big Business w3asteful debts-creating, poverty-adding CrossRail scam. And the agents of Big business, Installed in the corridors of UK 'Government' and central state and local state power, have denied that Crossrail is a wasteful scam. They have peddled fiction after fiction. They have lied. They have relayed the lies invented by the practitioners of corporate and City of London vested interest lies. They have acted against basic norms of accountability. They have ignored basic standards of democracy. They have shown contempt for local democracy. As happened in the London Borough of Greenwich, which is opposite the toy town that has been built on the northern bank of the river Thames and in the surrounds of Canary Wharf….In Greenwich, the ruling Blairing controlling faction SACKED one of their ‘fellow’ councillors, a man who had joined the Labour Party of ‘old’ and been even elected councillor. His offence? He dared to say that Crossrail was crass. Not in these words, perhaps. But words to the same effect. That Crossrail was a diversion and a waste and that it would cause loss to the local community. In ‘local’ Tower Hamlets, the controlling clique has perpetrated leis after lies over the years. We have chronicled how they have lied. From ‘leading’ councillor to ‘chief executive’ they have lied. We have called them ‘Crossrail hole scam-inviters’. We have shown how they have prevented local people, especially local people campaigning against the Council clique’s collusion with Crossrail-scam-foisting Big Business and their touts from exercising even the most elementary access to the “ peoples’ local council” and its ‘democratic amenities’. As late as the ‘mayor-making’ event staged earlier this year [2009 AD] in the obstructively inaccessible and diabolically constructed ‘Council chamber’ [in the name of ‘Tower Hamlets’] based at the commercially-owned and even more commercially-restricted ‘Town Hall’ [a joke! More on that in a later updater commentary on the Khoodeelaar! And AADHIKARonline websites and blogs] at the ‘Mulberry Place’ in London E14, the Tower Hamlets Council’s ‘democratic services’ failed to honour the word it had given to KHOODEELAAR! In Tower Hopeless, you cannot just turn up and observe ‘your local council’ ‘in operation’! You have to make advance bookings, just to be able to sit in the token space they exaggeratedly refer to as ‘the public gallery’. And to avoid a surprise at the door! It is always uncomfortable. You cannot stretch the legs and you are always under the physical pressure of space. They have no space there for more than the councillors’ family members and ‘friends’ to sit. And this happened on this last ‘mayor-making’ occasion. Democratic services were done away with. The Ordinary community were told they could not go in. It did not feel like the local council. It felt as if we had arrived as gate-crashers at a private event. In fact we were told to sit in the democratic ‘out room’! There are far too many mala fide elements posing as Tower Hamlets Councillors or their likes in ‘Mulberry Place’ who would not want local people to see what the ‘councillors get up to’ even during a staged event like the ‘mayor-making’ banality. When we arrived to observe the event, we were duly prevented from entering the ‘Council chamber’. We were told there was no room… The democratic ‘out room’ is allegedly equipped with sound and vision links to the ‘Council chamber’ next door! But it isn’t. It is a toytown torture chamber equipped with the stupidest imaginable confection they claim to be a video screen………. That is only one of the obstructions to democratic accountability that we have been encountering before concluding that Tower Hamlets Council has been abused by the Crossrail scam-inviter clique to serve the clique’s anti-democratic interests and to deny the local community in Tower Hamlets even more….[To be continued]

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