Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Khoodeelaar! Diagnosing the latest exhibition of the BLIARing role performed by Blair's mate Charlie Falconer now posing as a de facto ally of Ken Livingstone in talking up 'Stratford'. Falconer does so by hyping up the latest Big Biz agenda scam for swindling the UK public, HS2. Falconer is very much a peddler of the Big Biz agenda scam Crossrail... HS2 is the addendum being faked in by the touts in place in the Palace of Ghostsminster as well as in the Blaired UK regime fronted [since summer 2007] by G Brown. The fakery is persisting despite the fakers 'catching one another out', as happened yesterday [Wednesday 17 March 2010] at the routine exchange of fakery called PMQs. UK G Brown confessed to having faked a lot of the info about ‘Defence’ spending. That confession is a mere clue. Students of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign did not have to wait until that moment. We have been diagnosing and exposing G Brown’s own fakery ‘vah-loos’ for years. And in context. And on the daily evidence of the occurrence as it occurred: faked faked faked! Neither ‘front bench’ in the House of C is familiar with telling the truth. So both fake. And as they fake they make it impossible for observers to see any point in their being in place. Except that they serve the forces of lying. Forces of hell! They are faking for the forthcoming [widely touted to be 06 May 2010] pretext called general election when they will be able to fool enough gullibles [Oops! 'Voters’] to vote for them so that they can fake with 'legitimacy’ for a full term [ Ceteri s p a r i b u s [Oops! There is a Latin-looped ‘Boris’-ref popping up in there somewhere in that phrase]

0605 Hrs GMT
18 March 2010

Editor © Muhammad Haque

Khoodeelaar! Diagnosing the latest exhibition of the BLIARing role performed by Blair's mate Charlie Falconer now posing as a de facto ally of Ken Livingstone in talking up 'Stratford'. Falconer does so by hyping up the latest Big Biz agenda scam for swindling the UK public, HS2. Falconer is very much a peddler of the Big Biz agenda scam Crossrail... HS2 is the addendum being faked in by the touts in place in the Palace of Ghostsminster as well as in the Blaired UK regime fronted [since summer 2007] by G Brown. The fakery is persisting despite the fakers 'catching one another out', as happened yesterday [Wednesday 17 March 2010] at the routine exchange of fakery called PMQs. UK G Brown confessed to having faked a lot of the info about ‘Defence’ spending. That confession is a mere clue. Students of the Khoodeelaar! Campaign did not have to wait until that moment. We have been diagnosing and exposing G Brown’s own fakery ‘vah-loos’ for years. And in context. And on the daily evidence of the occurrence as it occurred: faked faked faked! Neither ‘front bench’ in the House of C is familiar with telling the truth. So both fake. And as they fake they make it impossible for observers to see any point in their being in place. Except that they serve the forces of lying. Forces of hell! They are faking for the forthcoming [widely touted to be 06 May 2010] pretext called general election when they will be able to fool enough gullibles [Oops! 'Voters’] to vote for them so that they can fake with 'legitimacy’ for a full term [ Ceteri s p a r i b u s [Oops! There is a Latin-looped ‘Boris’-ref popping up in there somewhere in that phrase]

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