Thursday, October 15, 2009

KHOODEELAAR! Is TELLING UK Lib Dems party and their deputy Leader Vince Cable so!

2350 Hrs GMT London Thursday 15 October 2009:

Editor © Muhammad Haque.

KHOODEELAAR! Is TELLING UK Lib Dems party and their deputy Leader Vince Cable so! They are not a serious political party. Not quite. Not despite their ‘leader’ Nick Clegg uttering that very silly wish that he wanted to be UK Prime Minister. Despite the odd – note that word in context, ODD – exception of Vince Cable and Norman Baker. Those two come across as being almost serious contenders on behalf of a Party to appear on UK-wide platforms. But not beyond. BOTH have shown that on CRASSrail, they are as crass as their counterparts in the other Parties. As we have been reporting exclusively on the Khoodeelaar! Site on twitter tonight [] the UK Lib Dems Party’s Deputy Leader Vince Cable has just confirmed that his Party does not have what it takes. That contrary to the image associated with him as a product of the personally quite useful side-lines on the BBC slots and on the Mail on Sunday [column that Vince Cable has acquired almost by accident of one paragraph staged against Gordon Brown in the UK House of Stooges], there is no real policy answer to the other two so-called mainstream British Political parties in his statements on any of the majors issues. This is typified by his demonstrably ignorant ‘grasp’ on transport. What Cable did say in his muddled ‘answer’ to a question about Crossrail as he appeared at a ‘Tower Hamlets/ Bethnal Green and Bow’ Lib Dems Party platform held at the Oxford House in Bethnal Green tonight, comprehensively contradicted and undermined his REJECTION of Crossrail that had been reported less than a month earlier on 21 September 2009.

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