Saturday, December 5, 2009

KHOODEELAAR! Reviewing CrossRail scam-peddler Ken Livingstone’s attacks on democratic voices and his fakery about Latin America via the 'Morning Scar'

2245 Hrs GMT
05 December 2009

Editor © Muhammad Haque

KHOODEELAAR! Replaying an external video showing the intolerance of Ken Livingstone at being asked questions about his behaviour.

Why are we replaying that video today?

For a start, it is never too late to look at the role Ken Livingstone has played in sabotaging universally understood expressions of democracy. In the context of his role in undermining the duty of ‘elected’ MPs to scrutinise the Big Business agenda scam ‘the CrossRail Bill’.

Secondly, the daily MORNING SCAR is running its usual routine of carrying a ‘big piece’ by one of its boxed collection of ‘left’ Blaired Party ‘politicians’ for its ‘emotionally extended weekend entertainments’ edition/s.

This weekend’s Morning Scar carries the Ken Livingstone piece which allegedly is about ‘defence’ of democracy.

Yes it is.

But not in London.

It is about defending democracy in Latin America.

Livingstone is also allegedly insinuating deeply disturbing deeds at the doors of the USA state agencies.

How incredible.

It is incredible because it is the same Ken Livingstone who had brought into the UK Bob Kiley, the CIA man whom he lavished with unlimited powers to coerce the people of London into conceding anything that Livingstone's whims had craved.

It was the same Ken Livingstone who had installed the same Bob Kiley in a palatial mansion in the centre of London’s most expensive housing complex or ‘district’ as they say in some quarters.

And as another CIA man, Philip Agee has chronicled, the CIA has a ‘distinguished’ [!!!!!] record of all sorts of enterprises in Central America.

How come that Ken Livingstone has not checked with his pal Bob Kiley about why the Obama-fronted USA State has been up to their old tricks in Ken Livingstone’s ‘currently favourite’ part of the ‘Third World’, awaiting ‘liberation’ by a ‘CPGB-approved, ‘Morning Scar’-promoted ‘British revolutionary’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of Livingstone’s very own ilk?

The record that Ken Livingstone created in his abusive tenure as mayor at the expense of the people of London would qualify him more for the designation of a REVOLTING ‘British politician’, in the sense that Trevor Kabvanagh’s – or was it before even Kelvin McKenzie’s time – SUN, the ‘|Rupert Murdoch tabloid’ used the phrase ‘most odious’ man in the country about Ken Livingstone in the early 1980s

In his intolerance towards the London Assembly members who attempted to quiz him on his behaviour as ‘mayor’ in the name of London, Ken Livingstone showed that he was as much against democracy s those MPs and Peers who sat on the ‘Crossrail Bill’ Select committee in the two Houses of Stooged MPs and Peers were.

In the past week [ending on Friday 4 December 2009], we have revisited the role played in 2006 by Alan Meale, ‘MP’ who was the stooged Chair of the stooged CrossRail Bill select committee in the UK House of Commons in the Palace of Ghostsminster.

It is no coincidence that Alan Meale and Ken Livingstone are quite similar and both can lay claim to having been on the alleged Left of the former Labour Party now truly and utterly Blaired.

Blaired is the word we have devised to denote total corruption and lack of democracy.
And there is no other seeker and craver of ego-centric posts at huge public expense that fits the ‘decoration’ than the same Ken Livingstone.

Ken Livingstone was happy with the role that the ‘once Left’ [the thought is worrying! And also baffling!] Alan Meale played as the stooged chair of the stooged Crossrail Bill select committee.

As Livingstone was with the role that another of his ‘mates’ on the alleged Left of the former Labour Party [now Blaired] played in the House of Peers in the Palace of Ghostsminster.

His name is Snape, to be differentiated from the very risky spelling error that may creep into the discourse on him at times..

Peter Snape was later caught with his fake democracy gowns down. He was almost taped as confessing that he had transgressed….

May be the magnitude of Snape’s transgressions was not quite resembling that being witnessed this weekend in the USA around the highly instructive travails of Tiger Woods and the remarkably identikit holes of despair that he had been aiming his balls in the direction of !

How remarkable that events have so coincided that the inner city, deprived East End of London community is having to go as far as the remote suburb of Tiger Woods’ ‘accident’ to find a link between the errors of Ken Livingstone's Crossrail hole and the empty platitudes about alleged democracy in Latin America that is being peddled by a so-called left newspaper which is actually promoted from an address in London’s East End but which has persisted in playing the denying role about the calamitous impact on the very same area of the Bob-Kiley-dictated ['lock them up until they agree to back Crossrail'] , Ken Livingstone-touted Crossrail holes scam…

As we published in the summer of 2005, Kiley had been shown on a BBC TV programme previously, demanding that all London politicians and other decision-makers concerned who had any doubts or reservations about the CrossRail scam should be locked up in a room and kept there until they had agreed to back CRASS Crossrail!


No wonder that the Communist Party of Great Britain’s ‘daily organ of socialist Britain’ missed the CIA Kiley’s outbursts against democracy then.

It has no hesitation however in running ken Livingstone’s’ pathetic invectives ‘for democracy’ in Latin Amerce this weekend.

This role by the Morning Scar neatly illustrates just why democracy has been such a weak part of the political realities in Britain.

Our campaign is based on universal principles and we are emphatically opposed to coercion and repression by all illegitimate and undemocratic forces. We have witnessed in the past nearly 6 years of campaign against Big Business Crossrail scam that most of the paid officials of the allegedly left UK trade unions have been silent about the wasteful CrossRail.

So the Ken Livingstone-signed 'Morning Scar' piece is not only empty but it is also an insult to real people, ordinary people in London whose voice is forever being sidelined marginalised by the State-ist ‘Morning Scar’ and its approved trade union bureaucracies.

These ‘Left’ elements have no respect for ordinary people. Either in London or anywhere else in the UK.

Indeed in Latin America.

When Ken Livingstone was asked about Bob Kiley’s later reported behaviour in London and was challenged about why he had given Kiley so much power and why he had appointed him ‘Transport Commissioner” Livingstone said, with not a hint of modesty or irony let alone apology in his voice or in his delivery of the obscenity, that he liked Bob Kiley’s ability to intimidate people!

[To be continued]

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