KHOODEELAAR! exposing the ‘left’ ‘newspaper’ 'Morning Star' lying again to peddle Crossrail tout Ken Livingstone back into touting power and post again
1700 Hrs UK Time
London Saturday 11 July 2009
Today’s [London Saturday 11 July 2009] print edition of the self-styled daily newspaper of the British left, the Morning Star, contains a big spread promoting the image and the name of Ken Livingstone.
And probably for the 1000th time.
As the Morning Star has done for the entirety of its publishing history starting with the time of its de facto assumption by the ‘Communist Party of Great Britain [='CPGB]’, the paper again distorts the truth and peddles Ken Livingstone as a socialist.
Livingstone is nothing of the kind.
The Morning Star, like Tony Benn, is a professional ‘British left peddler’. It has no original content. Far less any democratic challenge to the status quo.
It is part of the status quo.
So it is empty on the subject.
It contains nothing that is really socialist. Nothing that is really internationalist.
It is nothing but a faction of the political gangster outfits that hold genuine socialists down in Britain.
The same gangers also deride true democrats and ordinary people who question the gangsters doing business as socialists in the British trade unions, in the British Houses of Parliament and in the British local councils.
And they do so by telling lies.
The Morning Star piece by-lined to Ken Livingstone today [Saturday 11 July 2009] has an ‘editorial’ note that attacks the so-called British media for allegedly pouncing on allegedly unfounded allegations against Ken Livingstone before the May 2008 election for the office of mayor in the name of London.
The Morning Star note promotes Ken Livingstone as the victim of the media insinuations and thus paints Boris Johnson’s’ election to the post as a dubious one, not quite genuine.
So the Morning Star would have the records of Ken Livingstone to be buried, forgotten. And in their places, fabrications that suit Livingstone's greedy cravings for office now under the ignorant guise of ‘Progressive London’ to be substituted!
It is therefore quite possible that sometime in the future, the Morning Star will claim that Ken Livingstone did not even know the many hangers on that he had employed to serve his ego and his image but whom he paid in the name of the people of London.
Like the cover of PRIVATE EYE magazine a while back which contained a bubble with the words attributed to Tessa Jowell saying to then still serving Met Police man Brian Paddick that she never even met her husband!
The Morning Star may even be tempted to claim that Ken Livingstone was not even allowed to run for election to Mayor ever!
And then it would ‘logically’ argue that all the wastes caused and the lies told by that the holder of the post in the name of the people of London between 2000 and 2008 was no Ken Livingstone at all.
The Morning Star will claim that an imposter calling himself Ken Livingstone was in Shitty Hall, London SE1 all that time and that the real Ken Livingstone had been held prisoner by the Taliban somewhere in Afghanistan…
Then the Morning Star will issue a series of ‘campaign’ photos showing campaigners agitating for years for the release of Ken Livingstone from an Afghanistan detention centre…
Before the Morning Star transferring Ken Livingstone to a place in Cuba. Which is where the detainees have been held by orders of G W Bush, now in effect ratified by B Obama…
The Morning Star will then claim that it was Ken Livingstone after all who had been fighting for the Muslims, not the Muslims themselves at all.
And that it was Ken Livingstone who was the real architect of everything good that is happening anywhere in the world today!
As a ‘result’, the British Communist Party’s organ will then demand that Ken Livingstone deserved to be installed in any office that he craves.
They will say that Ken Livingstone will still show his generosity and settle for the post of mayor of London.
To begin with!
[To be continued]
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