Saturday, August 1, 2009

KHOODEELAAR! No to “Crossrail scam“ ! Scrap it Gordon

2110 Hrs GMT London Saturday 01 August 2009: Editor © Muhammad Haque: Khoodeelaar! The evidential campaign against the “big Business scam Crossrail London…” told you so! We have argued for now almost six years that the existing transport infrastructure in London needs urgent attention, that the London underground [‘tube’] railway system, is urgent need of serious repair and overhaul, that the buses and the other, smaller parts of the infrastructure as well as the actual standard and quality of service that people in and around London get from the exist sing transport ‘system’ need to be raised significantly, that there has NOT been and there is not any economic demand for the diversion of the limited transport budget away from that priority, that the Crossrail scam is a scam and it is scam because it is the product of Big Bossiness peddling it.. That the ordinary transport users of London have not asked for that diversion.. And that Alistair Darling, the UK finance minister [the title that that office carries in the UK is embarrassingly arcane and ludicrous; Chancellor of the Exchequer] who was the Tony Blair cabinet minister at Transport Department in 2004, was told that CrossRail crass and that he, Alistair Darling, should apply the resources to addressing the existing infrastructure problems and emergencies and needs. That we did the telling.. That was almost six years before Simon Jenkins wrote the article in April 2009 and echoed a significant part of what we had said and what we have been saying for nearly six years.. That the same thing is true of the stance now taken by the ECONOMIST magazine [London, UK] which late last year [2008] began to say some of the key evidential things against the UK Govt funding of CrossRail scam that we, the KHOODEELAAR! Campaign against Crossrail hole scam, have been saying for the past almost six years.. The above is an updated summary [at 2100 Hrs GMT on Saturday 01 August 2009] of the key evidence of the movement against big business’s stooging of the UK ‘Parliament’. We here refer again to the admission by the UK Establishment house journal, ‘Private Eye’ of the role played by the Military Industrial Complex of the USA via one of their key members, BECHTEL, that in effect set the agenda and ran the ‘Crossrail’ agenda through the UK Houses of Parliament by utilising the services of an aide that had been linked with a UK Transport minister, Douglas Alexander….We have shown also that the Palace of Westminster is in effect the Palace of Ghostsminster. How? By the fact and the evidence of the behaviour of MPs and Peers. At their ordinary, the UK MPs are self-serving. And in their secret, private, ‘redacted’ [and redactive] mode and propensity, they are even worse. And in between, they are useless.. As we found when we observed the so-called Select Committee of MPs set up by Blair in July 2005 to ‘scrutinise’ the Crossrail Bill [19 July 2005, House of Commons] That MPs’ ‘stooged committee’ had its counterpart in the UK House of PEE-ers, who behaved exactly as the MPs version. There was of course the BECHTEL and other place men and place women links between the two stooged committees… The personnel involved in the formal fronting and decision-making were noticeably linked with the agenda of sabotaging whatever parliamentary sovereignty the MPs and Peers were supposedly upholding, complying with and respecting….… It is as a result of all those factors, that the CURRENT crassness about and around CRASSrail is on display… Take a look at this evening’s randomly selected pieces of ‘news’ in the ‘mainstream’ UK media as supplied by the Goggle search engine… It is very clear that CRASSrail is NOT about transport. That it is not about MEETING the ECONOMIC NEEDS. That it is emphatically NOT about the concerns and priorities of people who use and would like to use the transport ‘services’ in London… It is very clear that CRASSrail is about continuing crassness of conduct by the peddlers of the scam….This is in short another reason why the scam should be scrapped…. [To be continued]


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