Tuesday, August 25, 2009

KHOODEELAAR! Reminding Boris Johnson of the 100s of individual items of advice we have given him in the past 24 months: Quit faking, quit touting...

1440 Hrs GMT
Tuesday 25 August 2009

KHOODEELAAR! Told you so! That the Military Industrial Complex, that the Crossrail-imposing BECHTEL has typified in the UK in the job it has done of stooging the UK Houses of parliament out of their depths and their roles, is not intended to serve the people of London.

Nor indeed the people of ordinary USA either. That Boris Johnson is now, at last, caught out as having peddled the BECHTEL-scam Crossrail far too eagerly, is not an incidental matter at all.

Boris Johnson has to come of the intellectual inertia and grasp the truth and disown his touting role NOW. Start funding and SORTING the EXISTING London transport network, Boris. Quit being a tout for Corporate louts! Especially when EVEN Chris Grayling – who had been failing the people as he touted for CRASSrail from the Tory Front BEND! – is now waking up and uttering against crime and touting in inner cities England…..

It is time that ALL manner of touting is exposed and condemned. And disowned…Start with scrapping the touting for BECHTEL-Crossrail

[To be continued]

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