Wednesday, August 19, 2009

KHOODEELAAR! Updater posts on the state of the UK Parliament - which has been reduced by Big Business to 'Palace Of Ghostsminster'

2325 Hrs GMT
Wednesdsay 19 August 2009

KHOODEELAAR! Updater posts and refreshers on the state of the UK Parliament - which has been reduced by Big Business and assorted looters of the UK to the Palace of Ghostsminster

khoodeelaar! Elucidating at 2320GMT19Aug2009 that those MPs and Peers [=Pee-rs] were actively antagonistic to universally understood truth and sense
less than 5 seconds ago from web
khoodeelaar! Elucidating at 2318GMT19Aug2009 that those MPs and Peers [=Pee-rs] showed beyond question their unfitness to be anywhere NEAR the Palace..
less than 5 seconds ago from web
khoodeelaar! Elucidating at 2315GMT19Aug2009 that those MPs and Peers [=Pee-rs] showed contempt to all the sombre words and phrases of 'Parliament'
less than 5 seconds ago from web
khoodeelaar! Elucidating on "the role of those MPs & Peers proved Palace of Ghostsminster" = PROVED the existence of the Palace of Ghostsminster..!
less than 5 seconds ago from web
khoodeelaar! Historically, contextually, ethically, morally, democratically asserting that the role of those MPs & Peers proved Palace of Ghostsminster
less than 5 seconds ago from web
khoodeelaar! Evidentially and constitutionally ASSERTING: The role played by MPs and their PEER counterparts FOR CRASSrail was a disgrace. No, worse!
less than a minute ago from web
khoodeelaar! Flashing back to the role played by each of the 'Crossrail Bill Select Committee' in the UK House of Commons and in the UK House of Peers
3 minutes ago from web
khoodeelaar! Contextually commenting on the latest discovery 19Aug9 of the state of denial among existing UK MPs about the bankruptcy of their position
5 minutes ago from web
khoodeelaar! Updating on KHOODEELAAR! Campaign role of the past almost 6 years towards creating a democratic Parliament in UK that is also accountable
7 minutes ago from web
khoodeelaar! Elucidating [5] at 2248GMT Weds19Aug9: Same C4News item ASSERTED that G Brown had BACKED Crossrail 'against the advice of' R. Eddington
10 minutes ago from web
khoodeelaar! Elucidating [4] at 2245 GMT Weds19Aug2009: the same C4News, item filed by Faisal Islam on CRASSrail, specified G Brown on R Eddington...
11 minutes ago from web
khoodeelaar! ! Elucidating [3] at 2245 GMT Weds19Aug2009: the same C4News, item filed by Faisal Islam on CRASSrail, specified G Brown on R Eddington...
14 minutes ago from web
khoodeelaar! Elucidating [2] at 2240 GMT Wednesday19Aug2009 that same G Brown then IGNORED the 'findings' of the same R. Eddington. Cf:C4NewsOct2007
17 minutes ago from web
khoodeelaar! Elucidating for newcomers to subject of transport in London [notice 'London'] that R EDDINGTON was the ‘expert’ G Brown had 'hired'
44 minutes ago from web
khoodeelaar! Reiterating the evidential diagnosis of the crassness of Crossrail in London & asking Gordon Brown, again, to explain Rod Eddington STUDY
about 1 hour ago from web
khoodeelaar! Evidentially challenging UK DafT frontman at the time [22 Feb 2005] Alistair Darling to SHOW what evidence justified his claim to MPs then
about 3 hours ago from web
khoodeelaar! Evidentially reminding main Twitter site controllers to restore the currently 'absent' KHOODEELAAR! posts back on this account
about 3 hours ago from web
khoodeelaar! Evidentially noting that there are 92 posts online on this site at this time 1932 Hrs GMT Wednesday19Aug2009 as authored by KHOODEELAAR!
about 3 hours ago from web
khoodeelaar! Reiterating that in 2500 Twitter posts in the past 18 months, we challenged peddlers of CRASSrail to show evidence. Peddlers FAILED.
about 4 hours ago from web
khoodeelaar! Evidentially updating 1920GMT19aug9 on admission of CRASSrail crassness by the ECONOMIST , plus
about 4 hours ago from web
khoodeelaar! Updating 2000GMT18Aug diagnosis of CRASSrole-playing, debts-adding A. Darling http://muhammadhaquecomment...
about 4 hours ago from web
khoodeelaarEvidentially re-citing ECONIOMIST magazine on Crossrail threat to London Tube http://muhammadhaquecomment...
about 4 hours ago from web
khoodeelaar! Evidentially telling YORKSHIRE POST Tues18Aug9 “TOLD YOU SO”
2:43 PM Aug 18th from web
khoodeelaar!Evidentially telling YORKSHIRE POST Tues18Aug9 “TOLD U SO”
2:42 PM Aug 18th from web
khoodeelaarEvidentially updating at 1750 GMT the diagnostic exposure of the crassness of those who peddle Crassrail
5:50 PM Aug 17th from web

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