Saturday, January 23, 2010

BULLINGON CLUB D Cameron 'leads' a gang that will NOT mend Britain; they will BULLDOZE Britain and use the 'broken state' as an excuse to do away with society that Maggie so grotesquely had denied the existence of.... UK G Brown's failure is to himself tell the truth... We have a cul de sac here with the 3 ‘main’ parties of lies, the only difference is the degree of their lies and lying..[2]

1438 [1400] GMT

23 January 2010

Editor © Muhammad Haque

telling the truth is the most precious duty. Everything else falls below this duty. And anyone who dodges this duty is defying the demands and the requirements of the only value that matters. In this context therefore the question arises: does Gordon brown have any idea what this value is? In the years of his alleged plot to oust bliar from no 10 downing street, uk g brown had been said to have been getting impatient because bliar was denying brown the opportunity to show what high standards of honesty and decency g brown possessed. As part of that programme of fabricating fakery, g brown and whoever was in charge of his spin-machine was prodding brown to appear as uttering the phrase ‘British vah-loos’. It is now clear that brown was being perniciously dishonest. He had an eye on the uk ‘British nationalist party’ [the bnp] who were being given recognition by at least one of the big business oppenheimer family, Margaret Hodge who was desperate for her ‘parliamentary’ spot at the expense of the people of Dagenham and barking… the morass that is ‘broken Britain’ is not something that d ca-moron should never be allowed to take credit about. Ca-moron heads a corrupt cabal that is just as corrupt if not more so than the one that g brown flaunts from the so-called ‘treasury’ benches. And god help us if the sick-makingly dishonest and creepy-tacticians the uk lib Dumbs ever get near the ‘panel of power’ in the ‘mother of parliamentary democracy system’. Between the three of them, there is no difference of agenda. The only difference is that one is even worse and more harrowingly undemocratic than the other. All three are authoritarians and are touts of the military industrial complex. . And before the zombified ‘extremists’ jump in, let us hasten to add: there is no way out of the mess here politically. Not in the so-called conventional political way...... The only politics that can begin to make any dent at all in the status quo of sleaze and corruption is a moral, ethical and universally just system of politics that is true and truthful and truly transparent and accountable to the people. The only way out is to liberate the masses from centuries of brainwashing and zombification.

The Khoodeelaar! Campaign has been about one manifestation of big business ruling the roots here in the uk. And in the course of the campaign, six years so far, we have witnessed the really broken state of the uk parliament and of most of the social institutions… not one of those will be made any better at all by the ca-moron conservatives. They will smash Britain to smithereens.

We have said it here. We are far from pleased to have been the first but someone has got to point out the note of warning: Bullingdon club gang or cabal will bulldoze society in Britain and thus complete what Maggie had begum but failed to finish.

[To be continued

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