Friday, January 1, 2010

KHOODEELAAR! Telling London 'Financial Times' and its 'ex-Editor' the UK CBI's Richard Lambert that they BOTH lack credibility. Especially as they peddle the Tories' line about the nearly £200 Bn deficit in the UK economy. This deficit is directly linked with the POLICY that FUNDS wasteful CRASS Crossrail!

0315 GMT
02 January 2010

Editor © Muhammad Haque

KHOODEELAAR! Telling London 'Financial Times' and its 'ex-Editor' the UK CBI's Richard Lambert that they BOTH lack credibility. Especially as they peddle the Tories' line about the nearly £200 Bn deficit in the UK economy. This deficit is directly linked with the POLICY that FUNDS wasteful CRASS Crossrail!
[To be continued]

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