Sunday, April 11, 2010

KHOODEELAAR! Telling on Sunday 11 April 2010 that all three main 'Parties' are lying. Directly and indirectly. They are faking it as they are fabricating. They are not telling the truth. As for Nick Clegg's claim that his bid to reform UK parliament had been sabotaged by the other two main Parties colluding - his word 'colluding'-is a deeply offensive outrage as it perpetrates a multiplicity of lies by Clegg. His Party is the colluder here. They have colluded in everything that is wrong about the Palace of Ghostsminster. Their collusion was offensively rampant throughout the just-dissolved UK Parliament [House of Commons – the ‘elected’ bit of it] promotion and the peddling for the Big Business agenda CRASSrail Bill.

1710 [1625] Hrs GMT
11 April 2010

Editor © Muhammad Haque.    

UK Lib Dems Party leader Nick Clegg is vacuous and almost farcical when he makes utterances about reforming the UK Hoses of Parliament. Why so? How so? Why first: He is vacuous because he comes across as a faker when he aims either of the two other Parties.  His words are hollow and pointless as they carry little weight as measured against the record of his Party in the last Parliament./ How: When he points the finger, as he literally did on the last broadcast occasion from the formal proceedings of the UK House of Commons, he is not at all convincing because the MPs on his side had spent the previous five years [May 2005 to April 2010] by colluding with the other two Parties. And to bring this diagnostic commentary right up to date to the minute, Norman Baker, the Lib Dems’ [transport spokesman in the House of Commons until last week’s ‘dissolution’ clearing the way for the now scheduled 06 May 2010 ‘elections’], was uttering lies in his ‘assertions’ as stated to the BBC News Channel’s Maxine Mawhinney in the past 10 minutes [in a repeat broadcast of part of the interview]. [To be continued]

! Evidentially contextually asserting at 1652gmt11apr12010 UK Con party fronter D Cameron and UK Bliared party fronter G Brown bored too
half a minute ago via web

! Evidentially contextually asserting at 1650gmt11apr12010 UK Ed Miliband delivered a very loose, banal spiel via BBC in north-east London
3 minutes ago via web

! NOTING the plethora of OTT diversions being indulged in by the perpetrators of careerism so far over the announced 06May2010 'Elections'!
6 minutes ago via web

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