Friday, April 2, 2010

Khoodeelaar! Told Chris Woodhead so! Woodhead was the chief inspector of schools at OFSTED when Christine Gilbert was still 'head of schools' in Tower Hamlets council and Sylvie pierce [yes! Our movement in defence of the community in the east end of London does include memories of all disasters including Sylvie pierce] was still in post as 'chief executive in Tower Hamlets council'. That was FIFTEEN years ago…. We [CBRUK, the sponsoring voluntary organisation that has been backing KHOODEELAAR! Ever since 31 January 2004 when Khoodeelaar! Was established to defend the community against Crossrail] told Chris ‘woody’ Woodhead: that Tower Hamlets council was letting the children down. That Tower Hamlets councillors were lying about 'improving performance by pupils at gcse exams..’. We said that Christine Gilbert was participating in suppressing the truth. That she was colluding with those in the corrupt clique in control of Tower Hamlets Council when she first the ‘director of education’ and then ‘chief executive’ in perpetrating lies and lies… and we were not being listened to. The result was that an entire generation of children in Tower Hamlets was being condemned to a life in denial, deprivation and worse… today, Friday 02 April 2010, we find that the same Christine Gilbert is being ‘mentioned’ in dispatches! How very telling that a decade a half since we told woody Woodhead about the fabricating factories that the various ‘education’ bureaucratic units in Tower Hamlets had become, even Christine Gilbert is also being quoted as saying that secondary schools are underachieving….. We say again that Christine Gilbert misled the council and she colluded with those lying Tower Hamlets councillors who wanted to hide the abysmal failures of the council schools in the borough. We say to Gilbert now to confess all and apologise to us for a start for telling the truth all along. And we ask her to apologise for taking part in lying for the big business agenda mic scam crossrail hole plot on the east end of London….


2130 Hrs GMT
02 April 2010

Editor © Muhammad Haque

Khoodeelaar! Told Chris Woodhead so! Woodhead was the chief inspector of schools at OFSTED when Christine Gilbert  was still 'head of schools' in Tower Hamlets  council and Sylvie pierce [yes! Our movement in  defence of the community in the east end of London does include memories of all disasters including Sylvie pierce] was still in post as 'chief executive in Tower Hamlets  council'. That was FIFTEEN years ago…. We [CBRUK, the sponsoring voluntary  organisation that has been backing KHOODEELAAR! Ever since 31 January 2004 when Khoodeelaar! Was established to defend the community against Crossrail] told  Chris ‘woody’ Woodhead:  that Tower Hamlets  council was letting the children down. That Tower Hamlets  councillors were lying about 'improving performance by pupils at gcse exams..’. We said that Christine Gilbert  was participating in suppressing the truth. That she was colluding with those in the corrupt clique in control of Tower Hamlets  Council when she first the ‘director of education’ and then ‘chief executive’ in perpetrating lies and lies… and we were not being listened to. The result was that an entire generation of children in Tower Hamlets  was being condemned to a life in denial, deprivation and worse… today, Friday 02 April 2010, we find that the same Christine Gilbert  is being ‘mentioned’ in dispatches! How very telling that a decade a half since we told woody Woodhead about the fabricating factories that the various ‘education’ bureaucratic units in Tower Hamlets had become, even Christine Gilbert  is also being quoted as saying that secondary schools are underachieving….. We say again that Christine Gilbert  misled the council and she colluded with those lying Tower Hamlets  councillors who wanted to hide the abysmal failures of the council schools in the borough. We say to Gilbert now to confess all and apologise to us for a start for telling the truth all along. And we ask her to apologise for taking part in lying for the big business agenda mic scam crossrail hole plot on the east end of London….

March 10, 2010

Number of failing schools leaps 150 per cent under new regime

The proportion of schools judged inadequate has leapt since a tougher inspection regime was introduced last year.
Ofsted inspectors placed 218 schools — 10 per cent of those inspected — in its lowest category in the first four months of the new regime.
Of these, 102 were placed in special measures and 116 given notices to improve.
This represents a jump of 150 per cent from the previous academic year, when 4 per cent of the schools inspected were found to be inadequate.
Fewer schools were also judged outstanding. A total of 199 were given Osfted’s highest rating between September and December, or 10 per cent of those inspected, compared with 19 per cent in the previous year.
Christine Gilbert, Ofsted’s chief inspector, said it was misleading to compare the figures because since the new inspections were introduced in autumn last year inspectors had focused on weaker schools.
Schools previously found to be good or outstanding are now inspected less — once every five years — while those judged only satisfactory or weak are inspected every three years. Weaker schools also receive monitoring visits after an inspection.
Ms Gilbert said: “My job is to raise expectations on behalf of the pupils and parents. It seems to be absolutely right that parents expect their child can attend a good school, that they can thrive at that school, learn well at that school and achieve good results.”
The new inspection regime brought protests from heads and teachers, particularly ver the new new thresholds for achievement, child protection and equality which schools had to meet to be judged good or outstanding.
Ms Gilbert suggested that such concerns were not borne out by the figures — only 17 schools of 2,140 inspected since then had failed because of child protection practice alone, she said.
Last weekend John Morgan, president of the Association of School and College Leaders, used a speech to his organisation’s annual conference of head teachers in London to demand an apology from Ofsted, saying that schools had unfairly been given lower gradings under the new inspection system.
Among the first to fall foul was Shenfield High School in Brentwood, Essex, which was inspected a fortnight after the new system was introduced in September last year.
The school, which had been rated good with outstanding features in 2007, was downgraded to satisfactory.
John Fairhurst, its head teacher, blamed lower GCSE results from one group of students, which sat their exams in 2008 and who the school knew to be a difficult year group.
The better results of the previous year were discounted by inspectors as they were reflected in the 2007 Ofsted inspection, Mr Fairhurst said.
Ed Balls, the Schools Secretary, said: “It is absolutely no surprise that there is higher rate of inadequate schools at the start of the inspection cycle — exactly the same happened when a tougher inspection regime was introduced in 2005.
“Weaker schools are being specifically inspected more regularly and earlier in the inspection cycle to turn them around, while outstanding and good schools are now inspected every five years and satisfactory schools every three years.
“A single term’s figures are not a reliable indicator of performance for the year.”


(Displaying 1-10)
Judy Walton wrote:
The situation will deteriorate. The type of people who have come into the profession in the past 13 years are dubious to say the least.
March 10, 2010 10:17 PM GMT
max martin wrote:
Talk about moving the goalposts!
This is so unfair of Balls.
His staff work so hard and many have obtained such outstanding results in spite of his appalling management.
Hardly a General that his troops would follow in to the jaws of Hell when he treats them with such contempt.
Sack him now for the sake of all our children.
March 10, 2010 7:28 PM GMT
Christina Parsons wrote:
@Desmond Taylor:

I agree with all you say, but it goes beyond that: bring back parents who care for their children and realise that caring often means getting them to do things they don't want to do. Bring back a society which does not try to protect children from EVERYTHING, and that teaches them not to be suspicious of all adults automatically.
March 10, 2010 4:30 PM GMT
Phil H wrote:
One reason alone NOT to vote Labour
March 10, 2010 4:14 PM GMT
Bill Taylor wrote:
Tough on education, tough on the causes of education.

Isn't that what Blair said?
March 10, 2010 4:10 PM GMT
Grace Ingram wrote:
Does anyone remember Labour's mantra when it came into office - Education, Education, Education - and their theme song - Things can onlyt get better? Well they have managed to wreck the education system and things have only got worse. 0ur poor children are suffering under this Government's misrule and things can only get better when we get rid of the lot of them. Roll on 6 May.
March 10, 2010 3:28 PM GMT
Desmond Taylor wrote:
Bring back a curriculum that is real. Start imposing discipline. Get rid of the social workers !
March 10, 2010 3:24 PM GMT
Alan Noorkoiv wrote:
Is it not interesting that these tougher inspections now kick in after over ten years of a labour free for all financially for our schools?....
March 10, 2010 3:20 PM GMT
Michael Fuller wrote:
There would be more schools in this failure list if the Government had not surrepticiously reduced the gradings.

I had my sons' parent evening last week. While there I learnt that someone has reduced the upper grading levels - presumably to make them more achievable.

All my sons' marks should grow by two grades in a school year. So if he was a 5.1 at the start of the year, he should be 5.9 by the end of the year, except 5.9 has now been reduced to 5.7 -further cynical manipulation of the grading for political reward.
March 10, 2010 3:16 PM GMT
Chris Newby wrote:
Balls has been a complete and utter failure.The Conservatives just won the election.
March 10, 2010 1:54 PM GMT


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